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There are no good nor bad Christians


What's up, everyone?? The first blog post of 2022….I am so excited, not just for today’s blog, BUT all God is gonna do this year! He has so much planned that I cannot wait to see Him unravel. To say, He is good is an understatement! If the Bible has taught me anything it is that, when God shows up, BIG THINGS happen. Let us do this year, and give it to Him because when we follow Him everything else falls in place! Today’s topic came to me this past Sunday during worship and I am just so inspired by it!

Oftentimes, I hear people talk about how they were not a good Christian a certain day, or vice versa they said they felt like a very good Christian one day. As well, people often compare themselves to other Christians saying, “Oh I am nowhere near as good as a Christian as they are”, and once again vice-versa, “ I am a better Christian than so and so’’. Here is the truth: ALL OF THAT IS WRONG. There is no such thing as a good nor bad Christian because here is the reality, we are all sinners and we are all undeserving of the Father’s love. Romans 3:23 says, “For all have sinned and fell short of the Glory of God” (CSB). We all give in to temptations and we all are disobedient at one point or another. We are human and there is nothing we can do about it. We all have our faults, our faults are wrong, but the good news is simply that our faults are forgiven through Jesus Christ

Something I think we need to emphasize is going to church is important. VERY important. In fact, You NEED to be in the church to be surrounded by fellow followers of Christ so you may grow, and because you need to be taught in church. Being in a church means you are listening to whatever message is being given. Notice how I said “whatever’’ that is because you NEED to hear sermons you do not want to hear because we all need a savior. We all need to hear the GOSPEL TRUTH, and not what we want to hear. You are now thinking, “Barrett what does this have to do with today’s blog?”. And here it is: JUST BECAUSE YOU GO TO CHURCH DOES NOT MAKE YOU BETTER THAN ANYONE. I said. It is a common problem, and something we need to talk about. We need to treat all people with love and see them as children of the Lord too. Going to church does not mean you are more worthy than others, especially, if you are not applying what you are being taught in real life. Not everyone who goes to church every Sunday goes to Heaven. It is not just about attending church, It is how you absorb and apply the message to treat others because ultimately we all need to be humbled, myself included because He is the lone perfect one.

No one is perfect. You are not better than anyone. God’s love is for everyone. God graciously forgives us all, when we especially do not deserve it. Whenever I think of how He constantly forgives us, it reminds me of the book of Judges in the Bible how constantly and consistently Israel continues to do what is evil in the sight of the Lord. They consistently are giving the glory to leaders and other rulers instead of God, after He leads them out of slavery in Egypt and through the wilderness! God still continued to forgive them and handed nations over to them because He is the God of forgiveness and love. You see God does not see us as sinners, God sees us as His precious children, who He created.

That is why there is no such thing as a bad nor good Christian because God created us all the way He wanted us, and He knitted us all in our mother’s wombs. No one is here by accident, God does not make a mistake. Surely there might be times where we follow Jesus better than other times, but that does not change our status as children of God and His love for us! He redeems us and gives us hope. We are helpless but not ever hopeless.

Hope everyone has had a great start to 2022, and if you check it out, there is now a place on this site where you can let me know how I can personally pray for you. You can even let me know anonymously! Have a wonderful day and as always, thank you for reading




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