Jesus. Jesus is the name that can bring new life to anyone. Jesus has been bringing a new way of life even before He was born. Mary was a simple virgin engaged to Joesph when suddenly an angel came to her and told her she’d birth the son of the Highest Lord, which changed her entire life. Jesus had also changed Joesph’s life before He was born as an angel came into His dream, telling Him to help Mary, how important this child was, and how Jesus was the savior. Throughout Jesus’s human life, He changed the entire trajectory of millions of lives; so many that the majority are not recorded in the Bible. Amongst those that were saved, were Jesus's disciples; Simon was a simple fisherman before Jesus came about and said to follow Him. He even changed his name from Simon to Peter. Jesus brought healing to those with leprosy, who were viewed as unclean and frankly, worthless to society. Jesus gave sight to a man born with blindness. Jesus even brought new physical life to Lazarus when He raised Him from the dead. Jesus is still doing this today because I am living proof of it.
As I reflect over the past years of my life, I realized what Jesus has done for me. Jesus has fulfilled a void in my life that I tried to fill for the longest time. I attempted to fill that void with friends, extracurriculars, awards, accomplishments, relationships, etc. But the truth is all those things will never fulfill us because everything in this world is temporary, while His kingdom, is eternal ( 2 Corin. 4:18). Jesus has brought me new desires and intentions for my life because I do not own my life, He does. Jesus has brought my life a purpose, I never thought I'd ever be attending college to be a pastor, I realized how the Lord has beautifully put on my heart the desire to have a wife and kids, and I've seen how life is truly a gift from the Lord, He has designed it and us so beautifully (Psalm 139:13-14). I want my life to be a worship to Him and for it to glorify His name. That is what Jesus does to a person, Jesus turns our deserts into forests. I am living breathing proof that Jesus is still doing this TODAY, even after He has ascended to Heaven because it is through His Spirit. It is because there is something about Jesus that when you truly meet Him, you just cannot stay the same. And, that is the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit is within all believers (1 Corin. 3:16) The Spirit helps bring life into us, This is the Helper that Jesus promises as He ascends to Heaven, saying He won't leave us alone (John 14:15-28). The Spirit helps us obey God, The Spirit convicts us of our sin and leads us to repentance (John 16:8), in which repenting of our sins, separates us from sin, therefore making us holier, and drawing us closer to God, which is a process called sanctification. We are born into sin, but Jesus calls us to be reborn and have new life in John 3, as scripture states:
"What do you mean?” exclaimed Nicodemus. “How can an old man go back into his mother’s womb and be born again?”
Jesus replied, “ I assure you, no one can enter the Kingdom of God without being born of water and the Spirit. Humans can reproduce only human life, but the Holy Spirit gives birth to spiritual life. So don’t be surprised when I say, You must be born again."- John 3:5-7
Rebirth or regeneration is an essential act to becoming a new creature in Christ, which is what we are called to do and what we were created to do. We are called to live a life according to God's will and for His name. I pray for all those who may not know the name of Jesus, that you will seek Him because when you seek Him, His word promises you will surely find Him!
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