Easter is a beautiful day to celebrate rebirth and Jesus’s sacrifice on the cross, and how He died for the wages of our sin. Jesus’s sacrifice for us was the greatest act of love in history. Easter, this year was a little extra special because this past Easter Sunday, I was baptized in the name of The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. Baptism is essential as it is a public declaration that you have personally accepted Jesus Christ as your savior and that the old you has passed away, and the new has come. Therefore, you are a new creature. (2 Corinthians 5:17) Jesus was first baptized in the Bible, therefore, we are called to be baptized and repent our sins. (Acts 2:38) Baptism is for us all, no matter your past because God does not care about your past, He cares about your future walking with Him.
God’s story of my baptism is unique and designed so perfectly by Him. If none of you have heard my testimony on how God rescued me, go ahead and go back to my first blog post about my testimony. It is no secret in my testimony, that I was living for myself and giving myself the glory instead of God, who is meant to get all the glory as we were created to glorify Him. Baptism is a public declaration that our identity is not in ourselves anymore, it is in Jesus Christ. We have a new life filled with the Holy Spirit with baptism, a fresh start. I did not realize truly how special baptism was to me until very recently, I knew I wanted to be baptized, but I had no idea how special it was, an essential. I remember praying the day before that it would be exactly what I needed, a fresh start, a start where my past is left in the waters.
I remember waking up that Easter morning for sunrise service and saying, “Wow. Today, I am going to be reborn, I will not be the same person I wake up as.” I kept saying to myself over and over again that I cannot believe rebirth is coming today. We were formed to have a relationship with Jesus and to glorify Him (Colossians 1:16).
During Easter Service Worship(Before my baptism), I could feel the Holy Spirit upon me, I truly felt His presence filling me up. To say I was anxiously awaiting to get into the baptism pool would be correct, but as soon as I got into this baptism pool, all that anxiety went away, I knew THIS is what I wanted, this is all I have ever hungered for and more. Jesus was bringing me the new life, I so desperately craved through Him. When my pastor said “I now baptize you in the name of the Father, the Son, and The Holy Spirit” and I was dunked into the water, I could feel my past being washed away and as I rose from the water, I knew everything was changed. After Baptism, I knew I was not living by my flesh anymore, I was living by the Spirit of God, who lives in me as talked about in Romans 8. Romans 8:12-13 “Therefore, brothers and sisters, we have an obligation—but it is not to the flesh, to live according to it. For if you live according to the flesh, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live.”
God's story of my baptism is special because He timed it perfectly and every moment of my spiritual journey led to this exact moment where my identity changed from Barrett to child of God. I am redeemed through Him. I am praying for whoever is reading this, that God may help you on your spiritual journey and I pray He may help you surrender it all fully to Him so that you may join His kingdom and glorify it!
The Old
A New Creation